URL: https://seshat.ewi.utwente.nl/.
What is Seshat?
Seshat (the Egyptian goddess of knowledge and writing) is the system we created in the Computer Science programme of the University of Twente to collect and record so-called "test logs". The tests in question are the tests that we set our students in order to check whether they achieved the learning goals of a teaching unit (a course or module), and grade them. Which tests exist for a given teaching unit is laid down in that unit's test schedule. A test log is a record of what happened during the creation, taking, assessment and registration of a test. A test log in Seshat is based on a questionnaire that you, as the examiner responsible for the teaching unit, fill in after the test being logged has undergone all phases of the test cycle. You can start filling it in early on, when creating the test, but some of the questions refer to the test results and so are initially unanswerable.
Why is Seshat?
Seshat was created to fill a gap in the organisation of our programme. We expect (and trust) our teachers to follow the test cycle that you have learned in your UTQ; but then we should also offer support for this and interest in whether you do so. Moreover, when asked (for instance by the Examination Board) we should be able to show that the test quality is up to scratch. Seshat fulfills both these needs.
How does it work?
More information on this can be found in the FAQ of Seshat. This can be accessed from the application
Seshat was developed from 2021 by Arend Rensink and David Huistra.
Test schedule view Test log view
Results view